Personal actions and political solutions

Stephen Lacey posted an article on Climate Progress which reports on a survey from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication.  The survey found:

             "Since 2008, Americans have become less likely to say a number of actions taken by themselves and others can reduce global warming.  Americans have become less confident that their individual actions to save energy will reduce their own contribution to global warming (32%, down 16 points since 2010)."

To me it is a good thing that people realize that small personal choices will not stop climate disruption.  Of course, we should make those choices--we drive an electric car powered by solar panels on our roof and conserve energy conscientiously--but the real change must be society wide.  

Our group 350 Bay Area has just launched five campaigns:
  1. Divest city and schools fossil fuel stocks.
  2. Stop Chevron from refining dirty oil.
  3. Support actions to stop tar sands oil pipelines and mining.
  4. Require warning labels on gas pumps saying WARNING: BURNING GASOLINE CAUSES CLIMATE DISRUPTION
  5. Enact a Bay Area carbon tax. 

These are only a few of the many good suggestions that we would like to work on.  Join us and lend your energy to make all this, and more, happen.  Log on to 350 Bay Area and be part of the solution!  If you don't live in the SF Bay area, join or start your own local affiliate in your area.